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Guard Petals on Roses (Rosa)

Guard Petals on Roses (Rosa)

Roses have active lives from when they are first cut from Growers and to when they arrive fresh to your home.

We source our roses from Holland, Equator and Columbia. So you can imagine travelling all those miles may take its toll on those gorgeous roses. Growers will generally cut the roses then soak, rehydrate and feed the stems to condition the roses and prevent them from wilting straight away. From this point the roses do still continue to start to grow.

Growers, Wholesalers and Florists all know and use the term the ‘Guard Petal’, know as the shorter petal on the outside. This petal will protect the inner delicate petals from being damaged or bruised. However 'Guard Petals' are often mistaken as being damaged or has the appearance of the actual rose being old and wilted. This can be no further from the truth.

The petal is normally a bit greener or darker in shade to the actual bloom and is the smaller petal around the bottom of the bloom. As the Rose continues to grow and bloom outwards the guard petal will become hidden under the full bloom and less visible. If we do leave the petal on for transport reasons maybe we feel that particular rose is just too delicate, because some rose petals are very delicate. You can easily remove the petal if you don't like the overall look of the Rose.

Simply grasp the petals at the base and gently pull away the outer guard Petal. This will not effect the blooming of the rose in any way, by removing the guard petal the rose will still bloom into a gorgeous Rose that we all so love and admire.

Isn’t it lovely and how amazing is nature to have grown this outer petal to help protect the inner gorgeous petals.