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Dahlias are one of the flowers, which mark the arrival of summer. Always popular in gardens from Patio pots to the borders and now making a big comeback as a fresh cut flower, with many new varieties always being introduced. They flower from summer and stay to when the frost starts to filter through to the autumn. They have the most gorgeous autumn colours rich orange, vibrant reds and yellow blooms.

There are also many hundreds of different colours available with the vibrant to softer shades. The only colour not covered is Blue, Blue like a royal or a sift blue. Dahlias do have a large range of Violet and Mauve shades though which sometimes could be used for a blue toned arrangement. They are grown with climates that do not experience frost hence why the season finishes around the season of autumn.

Dahlias originate from Mexico and are their national flower. They were first brought over to Europe over 200 hundred years ago to Madrid in Spain to the Botanical gardens. Currently RHS Dahlia Register contains around 17,500 names of different varieties of Dahlias. Today's hybridisers are still seeking the true blue dahlia, as well as one with a scent, and one that is frost hardy.
Earwigs unfortunately to us, love Dahlias. Gardeners often awake to shear off petals where the little insect has a lovely feast over night. Earwigs generally appear in the night and are harder to find during the day. Earwigs do love to hide with in the blooms of Dahlias, which is annoying if they have been picked from the garden and then brought indoors to be displaced.
We are certainly going to introduce more Varieties of Dahlias into our shop this year, sending them out with our lovely Bouquets and arrangements. They are certainly a beautiful summer flower and should be admired more with all the different varieties; in our opinion they are so under rated beautiful flower.